When will this Liquid code output the variant price? 🛍️
{%- if product.selected_variant -%}
{{ product.selected_variant.price | money }}
{%- endif -%}
### Explanation
The `product.selected_variant` object is specifically tied to URL parameters:
- Only populated when `?variant=123456789` is present in the URL
- Returns `nil` if no variant parameter exists
- Not affected by JavaScript variant selection (would need page reload)
- Does not automatically select first variant
- Common usage: maintaining variant selection after page refresh
Example URL: `https://store.myshopify.com/products/t-shirt?variant=123456789`
Reference: [Shopify Product Object](https://shopify.dev/docs/api/liquid/objects/product)
Answer Options:
- When a variant is selected using JavaScript in the browser
- When the URL includes a ?variant= parameter
- On every product page load, product has always a selected_variant
- Only when viewing the first variant of a product